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Datasheets, Manuals, and Software Downloads

While we’re happy to “talk tech” with you all day long, we know you’re in a hurry.

So we’ve made it easy for you to download product manuals, datasheets and downloadable software which includes firmware, drivers, etc. for all our current products, and many discontinued products as well. Just tell us which product you’re using, and we’ll provide you with list of latest documents and resources that you can download.

The product model you have chosen is currently available for purchase. The following support information is available.

  • Technical Documents Document Type ReleaseDate
    Serial Support Using Tektronix Oscilloscopes and Optional Software
    Tektronix oscilloscopes offer a portfolio of optional analysis capabilities to simplify serial bus debug or compliance verification. This selection matrix shows which serial standards are supported by each of the oscilloscope series.
    Product Selector Guide
    Measuring Power Supply Switching Loss with an Oscilloscope
    Introduction With the demand for improving power efficiency and extending the operating time of battery-powered devices, the ability to analyze power loss and optimize power supply efficiency is more critical than ever …
    Application Note
    Debugging Serial Buses in Embedded System Designs
    Introduction Embedded systems are literally everywhere in our society today. A simple definition of an embedded system is a specialpurpose computer system that is part of a larger system or machine with the intended purpose of …
    Application Note
    How to Use a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope to Test Digital Circuits
    The ability to present both analog and digital representations of signals make mixed signal oscilloscopes (MSOs) ideal for verifying and debugging digital circuits. This application note provides tips to help you efficiently debug …
    Application Note
    Wave Inspector® Navigation and Search: Simplifying Waveform Analysis
    Modern digital oscilloscopes can capture massive amounts of data which must then be analyzed. Discover how the Tektronix Wave Inspector® navigation and search capability gives you the tools to extract the answers you need fast and efficiently.
    Application Note
    Power Supply Measurement and Analysis Primer
    A power supply is a component, subsystem, or system that converts electrical power from one form to another; commonly from alternating current (AC) utility power to direct current (DC) power. The proper operation of electronic devices ranging from …
    Introduction to Video Measurements
    In this application note, we demonstrate using a MSO/DPO5000, MDO/MSO/DPO4000 and MDO/MSO/DPO3000 Series Oscilloscope to make a variety of video measurements that are common in standard and high definition systems.
    Application Note
    Testing a New Switch Mode Power Supply Design Poster
    Get a quick overview of the key measurements for verifying a new switch mode power supply (SMPS) design.  This poster shows key measurements, from verifying your prototype during initial startup, to optimizing switching loss and magnetic losses, to …
    Making MicroVolt Biomedical Measurements
    Introduction Measuring electrical phenomena presents a number of unique challenges to biomedical signal measurement systems. The tiny, microVolt-level electrical pulses that signal a firing neuron or a muscle response are …
    Technical Brief
  • Software Document Type Part Number: ReleaseDate
    KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.2
    KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …
    Application KICKSTART-2.11.2
    TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V5.11.1
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Driver 066093813
    KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.1
    KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …
    Application KICKSTART-2.11.1
    Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - V2.8
    The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …
    Utility 066093915
    TEKVISA Connectivity Software - V4.2.0
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Driver 066093812
    DPO2000, MSO2000, DPO3000 and DPO4000, MSO3000 and MSO4000, MDO3000 and MDO4000 and MDO3 IVI Driver - V1.5
    The Tektronix MSO/DPO2000, MDO/MSO/DPO3000, MDO/MSO/DPO4000 and MDO3 IVI Driver is an IVI class-compliant driver. It complies with Scope Class specifications (IVI-4.1) as defined by the IVI foundation. An IVI class-compliant specific driver for an …
    Driver 066133104
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol.When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Driver 066093811
    Tektronix Openchoice Desktop Application TDSPCS1 - v2.6
    The Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop free application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from a Microsoft Windows computer. After installing the software, refer to the section “Connecting to a PC” in your …
    Utility 066093914
    Tektronix Toolbars for Microsoft Office 32 bit - V4.0.4
    Tektronix Toolbars for Microsoft Office v4.0.4 provide toolbars (add-ins) for the 32 bit versions of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. This version of Toolbars requires OpenChoice TekVISA v4.0.4 (Part Number 066093809) to be preinstalled on the PC …
    Utility 066133202
    TekVISA is the Tektronix implementation of VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture), an industry-standard communication protocol. When installed on a PC, TekVISA provides communication with instruments that are connected to the PC via various …
    Driver 066093809
    DPO3000 AND MSO3000 FIRMWARE - V2.40
    This firmware is an upgrade for all DPO3000 and MSO3000 Series oscilloscopes.
    Firmware 063416114
    DPO2000, DPO3000, DPO4000 IVI Driver
    The Tektronix DPO2000, DPO3000, DPO4000 IVI Driver is an IVI class-compliant driver. It complies with Scope Class specifications (IVI-4.1) as defined by the IVI foundation. An IVI class-compliant specific driver for an oscilloscope exports the API …
    Driver 066133101
    DPO3000 AND MSO3000 FIRMWARE V2.38
    This firmware is an upgrade for all DPO3000 and MSO3000 Series oscilloscopes.
    Firmware 063416113
    DPO3000 AND MSO3000 FIRMWARE V2.31
    This firmware is an upgrade for all DPO3000 and MSO3000 Series oscilloscopes.
    Firmware 063416112
    National Instruments SignalExpress(tm) Tektronix Edition provides the industry's first true USB plug-n-play connectivity for instrumentation offering an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface that does not require any programming. SignalExpress(tm) …
    Application 066077003
    MATLAB is a software environment and programming language that enables Tektronix oscilloscope users to acquire and analyze data, graphically visualize data, make custom measurements, generate reports, and develop automated applications. Perform …
    Driver 066110000